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Spring Cleaning Your Goals Part 4: Small Steps Forward

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you beome by achieving your goals. - Zig Ziglar

Goal setting is a powerful tool to help you accomplish your life’s vision. However, I have often had an inaccurate understanding of how to implement them in a simple way. The whole process intimidated me. If you asked me about my goals and plans, I could only answer with a general response because I had not taken the time to identify and name the specifics. But I also knew that goal setting was an important step in the process of learning and growth. So, I delved into attempting to set goals, no matter how imperfect the process seemed to be. Sometimes you must simply dive in and figure it out as you go. I’m so glad that I did. It has helped give clarity to my purpose and keeps me from wasting precious time on things that are not valuable and important to me.

So this brings us to Part 4 of our series Spring Cleaning Your Goals. And as with any cleaning project, it takes special effort to start. But think of the reward for doing so! A clean house always is so refreshing and inviting. A fresh set of goals will make your life feel less chaotic and more peaceful.

I have learned that when I don’t give direction to my life, my personal dreams are never realized. We all have dreams. When you evaluate your life, you will discover that deep down there’s a desire or dream waiting to be discovered and fulfilled. We all have something that we long to achieve. It does not matter how big or small that thing may seem. It matters.

But without goals, we merely move aimlessly through the daily grind of life without clearly focusing on the daily activities that align actions with aspirations. Before you know it, a week has passed, then a month, and perhaps even a whole year without putting into place a plan that could have put you on the right path to fulfilling your life’s purpose.

Now I’m not saying that goal setting must be this grandiose thing. It is merely taking time, on a regular basis, to consider and identify what gets my undivided attention. It’s setting my sights on specific goals that will take me a step closer to realizing a desired outcome.

I must have clear specific goals that reflect my values and give my life direction. Without goals, I can end up going around and around in circles living an unproductive and unsatisfied life. That would be like a carpenter trying to build a house without a blueprint. That would make no sense.

So let me ask you some important questions.

Have you spent quality time alone developing your goals?

Have you written down your goals?

Do you have a plan for how you are going to get where you want to go?

Have you identified the obstacles to reaching your goals?

Do you know what resources, skills, or people you may need?

Have you set realistic dates for accomplishing your goal?

Until you answer these questions, you really do not have goals, but you may have a set of stagnant dreams. Do you want more from your life? You must ACT!! Take immediate action on your plan. Do not procrastinate. Do not wait for the right moment. Time is slipping away. Work with passion and perseverance on the very first step of your plan to get started. Then move to the next step.

Keep moving! Keep moving forward!! Keep taking action every single day. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep identifying the small clear steps that move you closer to your destination. Work out and Walk out your purpose. Soon this will become a natural rhythm and process of intentional living that ensures you are living out those things that matter the most to you.

There is no better time than right NOW to begin the adventure of realizing your dreams. Start with writing out three main goals for the various areas of your life. Yes, write them down. It solidifies your decision. You can download this

to record your goals or simply use a journal. But write them down somewhere. You will find it most helpful to review the pages completed from Parts 1-4 in this series before you begin writing your goals as that will guide your next steps.

Also, remember you don’t have to work on them all at once. Whew! Narrow your focus on the top three that you’d like to work on first and set a deadline for them. Then when those goals are achieved review the other goals and start the process over again. Repeat. It’s an ongoing process. Your goals will change as you change.

"Nothing happens until you get a date on the calendar." - Stu McLaran

Most importantly, remind yourself that this process is not about perfection, but progress. Progress is the name of this game!

I hope that you have enjoyed this series and taken something useful from it to apply to your own life. I share this content because I know it works. If it worked for me it can work for you. To view the previous sections of this blog series simply click here on Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Happy Planning!!

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